Democratic Republic of the Congo FERI – Freight Certificate

Need a FERI Certificate for the Democratic Republic of the Congo? Every imported good must be accompanied by a FERI (Fiche Électronique de Renseignement à l’Importation) or Freight Certificate. Secure yours by submitting the necessary documents or completing our form. With over 20 years in the industry, SCK Representation is your go-to official agent for FERI certificates. For efficient processing and more details, contact SCK Representation today.

Thomas Bernard - Bolloré Logistics
Export Manager

Our go to for D.R. Congo FERI Certificates. Service is consistently reliable and helpful. Thank you.

Junko Ito - West Shipping Services
Executive Manager

Easily the best ECTN service out there. Reliable, efficient, and always helpful.

Democratic Republic of the Congo Map

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is a country located in Central Africa. It is bordered by the Central African Republic to the north, South Sudan to the northeast, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, and Tanzania to the east, Zambia and Angola to the south, the Republic of the Congo to the west, and the Atlantic Ocean to the northwest. The capital and largest city is Kinshasa. The official language is French, and the population is around 86 million. The DRC is known for its rich cultural heritage, including traditional music, dance, and art.

Import Routes and FERI Certificate Requirement for D.R. Congo: Goods entering D.R. Congo typically pass through Kinshasa and Matadi ports. However, for eastern city imports, Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) and Mombasa (Kenya) are favored to reduce on-carriage charges. Importantly, a FERI (Fiche Électronique de Renseignement à l’Importation) certificate suffices for these entries, as Kenya and Tanzania do not require ECTN. Failure to secure a FERI certificate incurs a 20% freight cost penalty at the destination, as per decree 409/021 dated 23rd March 1992. Since April 11, 2011, SCK Representation has been the designated agent for obtaining D.R. Congo’s FERI certificates, known for its industry experience and effective approach.

How can you get the Democratic Republic of Congo FERI Certificate?

You need to submit the following documents in the application for the FERI certificate:

  • Bill of Lading (Applications can be made with a draft copy. Original will be needed for validation)
  • Commercial Invoice
  • Freight Invoice (it is not necessary if the freight value is indicated on commercial invoice)
  • Application Form

To start the certification process, you should share PDF copies of the documents through There is no need to send hard copies for the issuance of BSC certificates. Please be sure to share the final documents, which will not have any more amendments later in the process. A penalty fee will occur for the modifications after validating the certificates.

Are there any additional requirements for the issuance of a BSC certificate?

FXI reference: The GUICE reference is called FXI and is a progressive number given to the importers when opening their import license. Therefore, insertion at the origin of the FXI number will enable it to verify the correct execution of importation tasks from the importer at the destination and prevent delays and extra charges.

For more information and document samples, please contact our team via

What is FERI?

FERI, which stands for Fiche Électronique des Renseignements a l’Importation is another name for a waiver document.

Can I get the FERI for a shipment of tea being exported from India to Matadi?

Yes. There are no restrictions regarding the export of tea to DR Congo. FERI certificates are available from us if you have the necessary paperwork.

What is the difference between FERI and ECTN certificates?

They are both the same kind of waiver certificate. For example, FERI is a certificate name given by DR Congo authorities for the waiver they require from each sea shipment. Different country authorities call the certificates in their own way.

Are the procedures different between the Republic of Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo?

Yes, they are two different countries, and their systems are different.

What is the FXI number? Is it necessary for ECTN?

On the GICHE document, you may locate the FXI unique number on the top left side of the document. To apply for a FERI certificate for the Democratic Republic of the Congo, you must have an FXI number. You can ask your importer to apply for the GICHE paperwork if you are an exporter to the D.R. Congo.

Can I use the same FERI number for various shipments?

No, FERI is unique and limited to a single shipment. Every cargo needs its own FERI number that has been verified.


Exporting companies should have their FERI certificates approved up to 5 days before the ship enters the territorial waters of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This period is tracked from the manifest and is important to avoid any delays. We recommend that you submit your application immediately after the ship’s departure. We can only see the FERI number in the paid and approved certificates. As required by some letters of credit, we recommend you have all FERI numbers written on the bill of lading.

Democratic Republic of Congo – Certificate of Destination – A.D. Document

Short for the French term “Attestation de Destination”, an A.D. document is a more common usage for a Certificate of Destination. It is a required document for shipments that arrive at Congolese customs via land route.

If your shipment is discharged at a port outside of DRC, such as Dar Es Salaam or Mombasa, you need the Certificate of Destination, the A.D. certificate.

These are the documents required for the certificate of destination.

  • FERI certificate (We are happy to provide this document as well)
  • Bill of lading (Of the maritime shipment)
  • Commercial invoice
  • Packing list
  • Freight invoice (not required if the freight value is mentioned on the commercial invoice.

Please feel free to contact our team to find out more about this document and get it as quickly as possible.

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