ECTN Certificate Procedure

Obtaining an Electronic Cargo Tracking Note (ECTN) certificate, also known as a Bordereau de Suivi de Cargaison (BSC), is an essential process for shipping goods to certain African countries. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you understand the process:

1. Understand the Requirement

2. Gather Required Documents

  • Commercial Invoice: Details of the goods being shipped, including value.
  • Bill of Lading: Document issued by a carrier to acknowledge receipt of cargo for shipment.
  • Freight Invoice: If applicable, showing the cost of transporting the goods.
  • Packing List: Detailing the contents, weight, and dimensions of the shipment.
  • Export Customs Document: Showing that the goods have been cleared for export.
  • Other Specific Documents: Depending on the country, additional documents like an import license or certificate of origin may be required.

3. Application Process

  • Online Application: All ECTN applications are done online. You may visit our website and fill in the application form or have us fill it on your behalf.
  • Document Submission: Send the required documents to the agent.
  • Verification: The agent will verify the documents and details of the shipment.

4. Payment of Fees

  • Fees: Fees vary depending on the destination country and cargo.

5. Issuance of the ECTN Certificate

  • Receiving the Certificate: Once the payment is confirmed, the ECTN certificate is issued. This is usually sent via email.

6. Challenges and Obstacles

  • Delays in Document Verification: Inaccurate or incomplete documents can lead to delays.
  • Changes in Regulations: Stay updated as regulations can change frequently.
  • Cost Variations: Be prepared for varying costs and additional fees.

7. Final Steps

  • Attach ECTN to Shipping Documents: Ensure the ECTN certificate is attached to your shipping documents. (Depending on the country the ECTN Number should also be written on the Bill of Lading.)
  • Customs Clearance: Upon arrival, customs will verify the ECTN certificate for clearance.

Tips for a Smooth Process

  • Start Early: Begin the process well in advance of the shipping date.
  • Keep Records: Maintain copies of all documents and correspondence.
  • Stay Informed: Regularly check for any updates in the requirements or procedures of the destination country.


Navigating the ECTN certificate process requires attention to detail and an understanding of the specific requirements of the destination country. Proper preparation and working with SCK Representation can help mitigate potential challenges.

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