ACD certificate is mandatory for all container shipments to Yemen as of February 1, 2025.

Bilgilendirmeyi Türkçe okumak için lütfen tıklayınız

The Counter-Terrorism Service in Yemen has announced that the ACD (Advanced Cargo Declaration) certificate will only be mandatory for all containerized shipments to Yemen starting February 1, 2025.

Key Points to Note:

  • The ACD number must be included on the Bill of Lading.
  • The ACD certificate must be obtained at the port of loading.
  • Responsibility for obtaining the certificate lies with the shipper, exporter, or freight forwarder.

To ensure compliance and prevent shipment delays, we recommend completing the ACD certification process before shipping.

SCK Representation provides expert guidance and practical solutions to help shippers and forwarders navigate the Yemen ACD process. Our experienced team and solution-oriented approach make us a trusted partner for those seeking to succeed in international trade.

For more details about the Yemen ACI, please click here.

For more information on Yemen ACD and required documents, please contact our skilled team via or simply reply to this message.

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